  • Live Your Best Life

Are You Ready?


At Chrysallis, we believe that the best thing that you can do for yourself RIGHT NOW is investing in your personal development and achieving your potential. When you work to grow and improve  yourself – everything else grows, develops and improves with you. EVERYTHING. Your career, your relationships, your feelings, your quality of  life and your ability to shape your destiny.

This is why spending the time on YOU and your personal development is the best decision you can make.

We’ve helped thousands of people around the globe, from all walks of life and given them the tools and strategies and enabling them to transform their lives.

Werte (pronounced – “Wadda”) is a traditional indigenous Australian greeting from the Arrernte people to say Hello. And G’day – well that’s how we roll in Australia

The Leaders In Personal Development and Personal Transformation at your fingertips. It's now your choice!

With over 25 years of helping people live their best life, Chrysallis are here to help you live yours.

Founded by award winning author Janet Parsons and her amazing business partner and husband Michael, Chrysallis is here to help you do, be, have and create what you want from life by helping you learn more about yourself —who you are, what you’re capable of and why you do what you do. We have created world class programs, products and events — all based on the teachings from the worlds leading personal development mentors and decades of research, refinement and application—to bring you best programs in the market today.

What do you want?

What do you want to DO?

Who do you want to BE?

What do you want to HAVE?

But MOST importantly, what do you want to CREATE?

It’s our purpose to help you get whatever that is for YOU.

Are you a Changer or a Stayer?


A person looking to constantly improve their present state. Always a work in progress (WIP).


A person who chooses to stay in their current mindset and situation. Resistant to change.

At Chrysallis, we believe that change is the only constant. We facilitate helping you achieve your true and exquisite potential

Unleash your potential

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Free Stuff

Open Your Mind and Say Ahhh!

A guide to capsizing a crisis from award winning author Janet Parsons.

Download the free e-book now

Coping through Covid

Janet will guide you through an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) session to help you find a sense of calm amidst the crazy covid time we are living. A powerful and gentle, non-invasive technique designed to provide a much-needed sense of hope and relief.

5 minute guided meditation

Take 5 minutes with this soothing, guided meditation to de-stress and allow your mind and body to relax.


The “F” word


What person, situation or memory do you need to forgive and let
go? Join us as we take you through a simple and highly effective
forgiveness ceremony that allows you to move forward from the pain of the past.


Self Image – The Master Key to Success


Have you ever set goals or had dreams and never achieved them? In this session we explore what is often the missing ingredient in the process and derails us from doing, being or having what we want –our own self image.




Distance Heart Healing


Janet shares with you this powerful heart healing that you can send to someone in your life from a distance


Do you break out in a cold sweat at the mere thought of public speaking? Does the idea of giving a speech or presentation leave you feeling overwhelmed and anxious? The good news is that you don’t have to suffer in silence. If you’re ready to break up with this fear and start living  your life to the fullest, click the link below

Anxiety and panic can be crippling. It can feel like a lead weight of fear in the pit of your stomach, a burning fire of panic and pounding in your chest and a tight, restricted throat, or the shuddering of your limbs like an emotional earthquake.

I know these feelings well – as I, like so many other people – have been at their mercy. I found incredible relief using  EFT so I have prepared a free EFT session for anyone who suffers from Anxiety and panic. So if you’re ready to break up with this fear and start living  your life to the fullest – click the link

Is your fear of flying control your life? Do you find yourself avoiding flying at all times or feeling anxious for days or even leading up to a flight? Don’t let fear hold you back any longer. So if you’re ready to break up with this fear and start living  your life to the fullest – click the link

Are you constantly held back by a fear of failure? Do you find yourself avoiding new opportunities or taking risks because you’re afraid of not succeeding? If so, you’re not alone – many people struggle with this fear. So if you’re ready to break up with this fear and start living  your life to the fullest, click the link below

Leadership Alchemy

Erasing Leadersh1t

This simple and effective written exercise will alchemise problematic leaders/people in your life

Leaning into Leadership

A quick and effective EFT session to assist in creating and maintaining workable relationships

Open Your Mind and Say Ahhh!

A guide to capsizing a crisis from award winning author Janet Parsons.

Download the free e-book now

Coping through Covid

Janet will guide you through an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) session to help you find a sense of calm amidst the crazy covid time we are living. A powerful and gentle, non-invasive technique designed to provide a much-needed sense of hope and relief.

5 minute guided meditation

Take 5 minutes with this soothing, guided meditation to de-stress and allow your mind and body to relax.


The “F” word


What person, situation or memory do you need to forgive and let
go? Join us as we take you through a simple and highly effective
forgiveness ceremony that allows you to move forward from the pain of the past.


Self Image – The Master Key to Success


Have you ever set goals or had dreams and never achieved them? In this session we explore what is often the missing ingredient in the process and derails us from doing, being or having what we want –our own self image.




Distance Heart Healing


Janet shares with you this powerful heart healing that you can send to someone in your life from a distance


Do you break out in a cold sweat at the mere thought of public speaking? Does the idea of giving a speech or presentation leave you feeling overwhelmed and anxious? The good news is that you don’t have to suffer in silence. If you’re ready to break up with this fear and start living  your life to the fullest, click the link below

Anxiety and panic can be crippling. It can feel like a lead weight of fear in the pit of your stomach, a burning fire of panic and pounding in your chest and a tight, restricted throat, or the shuddering of your limbs like an emotional earthquake.

I know these feelings well – as I, like so many other people – have been at their mercy. I found incredible relief using  EFT so I have prepared a free EFT session for anyone who suffers from Anxiety and panic. So if you’re ready to break up with this fear and start living  your life to the fullest – click the link

Is your fear of flying control your life? Do you find yourself avoiding flying at all times or feeling anxious for days or even leading up to a flight? Don’t let fear hold you back any longer. So if you’re ready to break up with this fear and start living  your life to the fullest – click the link

Are you constantly held back by a fear of failure? Do you find yourself avoiding new opportunities or taking risks because you’re afraid of not succeeding? If so, you’re not alone – many people struggle with this fear. So if you’re ready to break up with this fear and start living  your life to the fullest, click the link below

Leadership Alchemy

Erasing Leadersh1t

This simple and effective written exercise will alchemise problematic leaders/people in your life

Leaning into Leadership

A quick and effective EFT session to assist in creating and maintaining workable relationships